Clinical Foundation in Palliative Medicine

The RACP Clinical Foundation in Palliative Medicine program, [until recently known as the Clinical Diploma in Palliative Medicine] provides general practitioners or any other interested medical practitioners a structured program of clinical experience in palliative medicine. It aims to expand expertise to handle the palliative care needs of patients in practice.

The Clinical Foundation in Palliative Medicine requires 6 months of full-time equivalent (FTE) training undertaken in an accredited setting with supervision from a Fellow of the RACP or AChPM, actively practising in palliative medicine. Completion of this training does not confer eligibility for specialist recognition in palliative care medicine. It may be considered as a course requirement by GP Colleges offering palliative medicine Advanced Specialised Skills training as part of the rural generalist program.

Currently Accredited Rural Locations offering Clinical Foundation in Palliative Medicine (MM2-7)

This map shows rural locations with site accreditation to deliver Clinical Foundation training.  When a location is listed, however, it does not mean there is a current vacancy. If you are interested in a placement in one of the listed locations, please complete the contact form below and we’ll put you in touch with the right people.

Advanced Specialised Training (AST) for GPs and Rural Generalists

Both the Australian College for Rural and Remote Medicine (ACCRM) and the Royal Australian College of General Practice (RACGP) support rural generalist trainees to undertake 12 month full-time Advanced Specialised Training (AST) in palliative medicine. This training is separately accredited by the GP Colleges. As a rural generalist, your college may require completion of the 6-month Clinical Foundations in Palliative Medicine rotation as part of your 12-month AST year.

Go to your College for more information on the AST requirements.