Your Training. Our Expertise.

Training in the country. With doctors who know how.

As a doctor applying to train rurally in palliative medicine, you will be well supported throughout your advanced training journey. The RRIPM network collaborates across Australia to help you access the experience you seek in available rural locations so you can develop confidence and relevant skills in your chosen career and complete your training.

For generalists and other doctors seeking accredited rural palliative care experience, RRIPM training sites will also be able to offer you high quality training, and a chance to experience the best of what we can do in the country. You can stay on as part of the RRIPM community of practice. You may in future wish to continue on and undertake advanced training with RRIPM.  We will help you negotiate that path.

Outcomes and Experiences

Training regions provide a range of different learning experiences based on rural community culture and demographics.

When applying for a training placement, consider your preferred region and how it will provide you with the outcomes and experience you require.

Importantly, supervisors and mentors are helpful and available to talk through the various options.

Image: Trainees in palliative medicine in Alice Springs – Dr Aaron Bagnato (physician trainee) and Dr Hayley Cameron (rural generalist trainee) Credit: C. Sanderson.

Training Options

A range of rural and remote palliative medicine training options are available for consideration, with details provided below.

The best option for you will be determined by  your level of interest, time available and future career aspiration.

Clinical Foundation in Palliative Medicine (6 months)

The RACP Clinical Foundation in Palliative Medicine program requires 6 months of full-time equivalent (FTE) training undertaken in an accredited setting with supervision from a Fellow of the RACP or AChPM, actively practising in palliative medicine. It provides general practitioners or any other interested medical practitioners a structured program of clinical experience in palliative medicine. Completion of this course does not confer eligibility for specialist recognition in palliative care medicine.

Generalist Training in Palliative Medicine (12 months)

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) provide GP and trainees with a defined and supported pathway to gain advanced knowledge in specialist fields. GPs and Rural Generalist trainees may undertake a 12-month AST in palliative medicine, and supervision for the AST program is often supported by rural palliative medicine specialists.

Specialist in Palliative Medicine Advanced Training (36 months)

There are two pathways for entry to RACP Advanced Training in palliative medicine.

RACP Fellowship – after completion of Basic Physician Training

Chapter Fellowship – with Fellowship from another prescribed College such as ACRRM or RACGP

To be recognised as a palliative medicine specialist, doctors must complete three years of supervised training and work-based assessments in an Adult (or Paediatric) setting.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. RRIPM does not employ trainees. Trainees are employed by the health service. Some jurisdictions have a single employer model which supports movement between services.

Applications for training positions are processed by the jurisdiction or the health service with the vacancy. RRIPM is not a direct employer however our supervisors are available to guide you through the application process.

Advanced Trainees need to apply through RACP each year for approval of their training plans, after being offered a position.

Clinical Foundation candidates are also required to apply through RACP.

RRIPM supervisors are experienced in supporting trainees through this process.  If you would like to speak with one of us, contact us. 

More information about the RACP application process is available here.

As a trainee seeking to achieve most of your palliative medicine training in rural communities you will benefit from the significant rural network and relationships accessible through participating RRIPM supervisors. RRIPM has professional links across rural Australia making planning and placement choices easier.

Trainees are responsible for managing their own training pathways. RRIPM supervisors, however, are available and well-placed to provide guidance and direction to ensure a quality training experience.